NCES.CE.C&G.1 - Analyze the foundations and development of American government in terms of principles and values.
NCES.CE.C&G.2 - Analyze government systems within the United States in terms of their structure, function and relationships.
NCES.CE.C&G.3 - Analyze the legal system within the United States in terms of the development, execution and protection of citizenship rights at all levels of government.
NCES.CE.C&G.4 - Understand how democracy depends upon the active participation of citizens.
NCES.CE.C&G.5 - Analyze how political and legal systems within and outside of the United States provide a means to balance competing interests and resolve conflicts.
NCES.CE.E.1 - Understand economies, markets and the role economic factors play in making economic decisions.
NCES.CE.E.2 - Understand factors of economic interdependence and their impact on nations.
NCES.CE.E.3 - Analyze the role of government and economic institutions in developing and implementing economic stabilization policies in the U.S.
NCES.CE.PFL.1 - Analyze the concepts and factors that enable individuals to make informed financial decisions for effective resource planning.
NCES.CE.PFL.2 - Understand how risk management strategies empower and protect consumers.